Binary-Tree data structure and algorithms implementation
A comprehensive library of Binary-Tree data structure, algorithms implementation and visualisations using graphviz and in ASCII style
Recently I started learning standard algorithms from a theoretical standpoint i.e. their design, their complexities, and analysis of their complexities from the Introduction to Algorithms book by Thomas H.Cormen While I am learning I thought of also making it practical and implement all the details around the topic that I am learning. This post and the last one too are the result of this motivation. While the previous post details the automated testing that I had setup as a Github action to perform continuous integration, this post details the library itself with detailed examples. Each example is followed by an explanation of the and tries to details all the features of the library.
To follow along with the rest of the code, the libary can be easily installed using pip as follows-
pip install binary-tree-logicatcore
To Begin with, we need to import BT (Binary-Tree) and Node classes to work with.
from binary_tree.binary_tree import BT, Node
A tree is composed of nested nodes with each node having two childrens, namely 'left' and 'right' which are also nodes. Hence the nesting continues. A node accepts a value to store and another two optional nodes to act as its left and right children. Below is an example of a node with '1' as the value and with two childrens left and right each with a value of '2' and '3', which are also nodes.
Node(1, Node(2), Node(3))
A binary tree consists of such nodes nested allowing the tree to grow in height/depth with the addition of nodes. Below an example showing one way of defining a binary tree very similar to the previous example. A binary tree class accepts a single root node which may or may not have left and right childrens. In the following example, the root node has two childrens and the two childrens have 4 childrens, two respectively. The last 4 childrens do not have any childrens and hence are called leafs generally (end points of the tree)
tree = BT(Node(1, Node(2, Node(4), Node(5)), Node(3, Node(6), Node(7))))
The created tree can be visualised in two ways-
- Using graphviz
- In ASCII style
The main properties of the binary tree can be quickly and easily summarised by calling the properties method as follows.
The second way of creating a similar tree is through using python lists, which is quick and enables building much deeper trees. But, certain level of control over deciding which nodes must have left children or right children or both or none is lost in doing so.
list_tree = BT([1,2,3,4,5,6,7])
As it can be seen that the result is same in this case i.e. the resulting tree created by manually nesting the nodes and the resulting tree created using lists both are same.
Since a binary tree is not meant to be simple data structure, there are some algorithms that have evloved around it which reduce the number of comuptations required, such as heapsort which takes $O(nlog(n))$ time.
Like the tree in real world, there are some binary trees which are unique because of it's characteristics. Two such properties are-
- Max-Heap: The property that the parent node always has a larger value than its childrens through out the tree
- Min-Heap: The property that the parent node always has a smaller value than its childrens through out the tree
The tree object comes with methods which when called automatically adjusts the positions of nodes in order to maintain these properties. Below we will look at an example on how to use these methods in order to alter the tree to maintain the properties desired.
unordered_tree = BT([1,10,2,9,3,8,4,7,5,6])
As it is evident that the tree doesn't satisfy the property, now we will use the max_heapify() method and min_heapify() method to change the tree and check again
unordered_tree.max_heapify() # inplace change
In this new tree graph we can see that the parent node value is always larger than the value of it's childrens, grand-childrens, great-grand-childrens and so on....
unordered_tree.min_heapify() # inplace change
In this tree graph we can now see that the parent node value is always smaller than the value of it's childrens, grand-childrens, great-grand-childrens and so on....
from binary_tree.heap_sort import heap_sort_asc, heap_sort_desc
import numpy as np
test_list = np.random.randint(0, 100, size=(1, 20)).tolist()[0]
print("Random list of 20 numbers:", test_list)
print("Heap sort in ascending order:", heap_sort_asc(test_list))
print("Heap sort in descending order:", heap_sort_desc(test_list))
Priority queues
A priority queue is a data structure for maintaining a set S of elements, each with an associated value called a key. And as with heaps, priority queues come in two forms: max-priority queues and min-priority queues.
A max-priority queue supports the following operations:
- INSERT(S, x) inserts the element x into the set S, which is equivalent to the operation $S = S \cup {x}$
- MAXIMUM(S) returns the element of S with the largest key.
- EXTRACT-MAX(S) removes and returns the element of S with the largest key.
- INCREASE-KEY(S, x, k) increases the value of element x’s key to the new value k, which is assumed to be at least as large as x’s current key value.
And a min-priority queue supports the following operations:
- INSERT(S, x) inserts the element x into the set S, which is equivalent to the operation $S = S \cup {x}$
- MINIMUM(S) returns the element of S with the smallest key.
- EXTRACT-MIN(S) removes and returns the element of S with the smallest key.
- DECREASE-KEY(S, x, k) decreases the value of element x’s key to the new value k, which is assumed to be at least as small as x’s current key value.
from binary_tree.priority_queue import MaxPQueue, MinPQueue
Max-Priority Queue
To explain a max-priority queue let us consider a simple sentence and since we know that the word order in English language is important, this means that each word has certain priority. We will try to use the max-priority queue to correctly order a set of words and punctuations based on their priorities.
Maximum and Extract-Max functionality
Initially here we want to correctly order 'Hello', '!' and 'World' words and a punctuation in the correct order for which we assign corresponding priority values as a 1-to-1 mapping to the 'MaxPQueue' class. Then we check which word has the highest priority and then the order of all the objects(words, punctuations) in the queue.
max_queue = MaxPQueue([3,1,2],['Hello', '!', 'World'])
while len(max_queue.objects) > 0:
print(max_queue.get_max(), end=' ')
max_queue = MaxPQueue([3,1,2],['Hello', '!', 'World'])
max_queue.heap_insert('beautiful', 2.5)
while len(max_queue.objects) > 0:
print(max_queue.get_max(), end=' ')
Increase-Key functionality
While adding certain details (events/tasks/objects) to the queue, if we happen to assign an incorrect key or if the priorities have changed (for example in a real world production factory where the product being produced needs to adapt to the market), we can use the increase_key functionality as follows. Here we try to add the words 'Max' and 'says' but do it incorrectly thus we decide to correct it using the increase_key method
max_queue = MaxPQueue([3,1,2],['Hello', '!', 'World'])
max_queue.heap_insert('Max', 2.5)
max_queue.heap_insert('says', 2.8)
max_queue.increase_key('Max', 5)
max_queue.increase_key('says', 4)
while len(max_queue.objects) > 0:
print(max_queue.get_max(), end=' ')
Min-Priority Queue
A min-priority queue can also be logically understood using a simple example where the day activities are ordered based on time and since time is linear in nature the smallest must come first and the largest later.
Minimum and Extract-Min functionality
In the following example certain day activities are listed along with the ideal time for them to take place in a 24 hr format.
min_queue = MinPQueue([9,19,13,22,6],['Breakfast', 'Dinner', 'lunch', 'sleep', 'wakeup'])
while len(min_queue.objects) > 0:
print(min_queue.get_min(), end=' -> ')
min_queue = MinPQueue([9,19,13,22,6],['Breakfast', 'Dinner', 'lunch', 'sleep', 'wakeup'])
min_queue.heap_insert('study', 10)
while len(min_queue.objects) > 0:
print(min_queue.get_min(), end=' -> ')
min_queue = MinPQueue([9,19,13,22,6],['Breakfast', 'Dinner', 'lunch', 'sleep', 'wakeup'])
min_queue.heap_insert('brush', 10)
min_queue.heap_insert('play', 17)
min_queue.decrease_key('brush', 7)
min_queue.decrease_key('play', 10)
while len(min_queue.objects) > 0:
print(min_queue.get_min(), end=' -> ')