
K-Means is a unsupervised clustering algorithm which is analogous to supervised classification algorithms. Due to the name, K-Means algorithm is often confused with supervised KNN(K Nearest Neighbhours) algorithm which is used for both classification and regression problems.

As the name suggests, K-Means algorithm comprises of "K" "Means" which correspond to the number of clusters that the algorithm tries to find in the unlabeled data. The working of the algorithm though quite simple the challenge lies in scaling the algorithm for large datasets and picking an appropriate measure for distance.

Before we go into any more details, let us have a look at the steps that comprise the K-Means algorithm-

  1. Inputs to the algorithm-
    1. Data to cluster
    2. Number of clusters to identify
    3. Convergence criteria i.e. when to stop
      1. Usually a tolerance value is given which is used to observe when the "Mean" position doesn't change any more
      2. Other option is the maximum number of iterations to carry out
    4. Function to use as a Measure - usually cartesian distance is used but when data is text or any other abstract data, special measures have to be choosen
  2. Based on the data space i.e. the bounds (minimums and maximums) and the number of clusters to identify, that many random Mean points in the same space as the data are generated
  3. Distance of all the data samples/points in the data space, say $\mathbb{R}^n$, with resepect to K number of Means are calculated (i.e. if there are 10 samples and 2 clusters to find, the number of distance measures calculated are 20(1x10 + 1x10))
  4. Based on the distances each data sample is associated to their closest Mean
  5. Based on the associations made in step 4 the Mean values are updated by calculating the mean of all the values associated with one particular Mean. This is done for K number of Means
  6. The steps 3 to 5 are then repeated either until the algorithm exceeds the maximum number of allowed iterations or until the values of K Means have settled down i.e. the change after update is less than the tolerance value specified in the input

Next, we turn to the implementation and coding part of the algorithm and discuss the results.

Code start

Handling the imports

%matplotlib widget

import time
import IPython
import numpy as np
import pandas as pd
import numpy.linalg as LA
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
from matplotlib import animation
from mpl_toolkits.mplot3d import Axes3D

from IPython.display import Video

plt.rcParams['figure.figsize'] = [8.0, 8.0]
plt.rcParams['figure.dpi'] = 100

K-Means class to hold data, methods to compute the distances, update the means, and plot the progress and results

class kmeans:
    def __init__(self, dimensions, sample_size, clusters, tolerance, max_iters):
        Use the initialisation parameters as attributes of the object and create
        a matplotlib figure canvas on which each iteration progress can be drawn
        :param dimesnions: Dimension of data
        :param sample_size: Not necessary for real data, here used for generating sample data
        :param clusters: Number of clusters to identify in the data, control the number of Means 
        :param tolerance: The tolearance value
        :param max_iters: Maximum iterations to execute
        self.dimensions = dimensions
        self.sample_size = sample_size
        self.clusters = clusters
        self.tolerance = tolerance
        self.max_iters = max_iters
        self.colors = ['y', 'r', 'b', 'm', 'k', 'c', 'b', 'm', 'k', 'c']
        if self.dimensions == 1:
            self.fig, = plt.subplots(1,1)
            self.sample_pts = np.array([[]])
        elif self.dimensions == 2:
            self.fig, = plt.subplots(1,1)
            self.sample_pts = np.array([[], []])
        elif self.dimensions == 3:
            self.fig = plt.figure(1, figsize=(8, 6))
            self.sample_pts = np.array([[], [], []])
   = Axes3D(self.fig, rect=(0.0, 0.0, .95, 1.0), elev=48, azim=134)
    def kmeans_init(self):
        Generate sample data and draw the initial state of the data and display the initial position
        of the Means
        # Creating clusters using normal distribution and random variance and mean
        # every cluster will have equal number of points
        for i in range(0, self.clusters):
            np.random.seed(int((-i) ** 2))
            tmp = np.random.randn(1, (self.sample_size // self.clusters) * self.dimensions) * np.random.randint(1, 10) + np.random.randint(-100, 100)
            self.sample_pts = np.hstack((self.sample_pts, tmp.reshape(self.dimensions, self.sample_size // self.clusters)))
        self.previous_means = np.random.randn(self.clusters, self.dimensions) * np.random.randint(1, 12)  # Randomly selected means i.e., cluster centers
        # print(f'Starting means are: {self.previous_means}')
        self.new_means = np.zeros((self.clusters, self.dimensions))  # To store the new means after every iteration
        # plot initial means and all data samples to see the distribution
        if self.dimensions == 1:
  [:, 0], np.zeros((self.clusters, 1)), marker='o', c='r', label='Initial Means')
  [0, :], np.zeros((1, self.sample_size)),
                        marker='*')  # Plotting all the points to see the clusters
        elif self.dimensions == 2:
  [:, 0], self.previous_means[:, 1], marker='o', c='r', label='Initial Means')
  [0, :], self.sample_pts[1, :], marker='*')  # Plotting all the points to see the clusters
        elif self.dimensions == 3:
  [:, 0], self.previous_means[:, 1], self.previous_means[:, 2], marker='o', c='r',
                       label='Initial Means', depthshade=False)
  [0, :], self.sample_pts[1, :], self.sample_pts[2, :],
                       marker='*')  # Plotting all the points to see the clusters'upper right')
    # Loop till convergence
    def kmeans_iter(self, iteration_count):
        Iteration part of the algorithm which iterates until the tolerance criteria is met while
        limiting the maximum number of iterations to preven infinite loops when the algorithm 
        cannot associate a Mean value with a cluster
        if (abs(self.previous_means - self.new_means) > self.tolerance).any() and (iteration_count < self.max_iters) and (iteration_count != 0):
            print(f'Iteration number {iteration_count}')
            if iteration_count != 1:
                self.previous_means = self.new_means.copy()
            dist = pd.DataFrame()
            # Compute distances of all points with respect to each mean
            for i in range(0, self.clusters):
                # distance_to_mean_1_iter_1 naming used
                dist['dtm_' + str(i + 1) + f'_iter_{iteration_count}'] = LA.norm(
                    self.sample_pts - self.previous_means[i, :].T.reshape(self.dimensions, 1), axis=0)
            # Assign a data sample to the mean it is nearest to by extracting the digit in the name of the index i.e., column
            # name where the minimum value is found
            # dtm_{1}_iter_1
            dist['assign_to_mean'] = dist.idxmin(axis=1).str[4]
            # compute the new means based on the classes assigned
            for i in range(0, self.clusters):
                indices = dist.assign_to_mean[dist.assign_to_mean == str(i + 1)]
                if self.dimensions > 1:
                    if len(indices.index) != 0:
                        self.new_means[i, :] = np.mean(self.sample_pts[:, indices.index], axis=1)
                        # Re-initialise a mean if it is not associated with any data sample
                        self.new_means[i, :] = np.random.randn(1, self.dimensions) * 100
                    if len(indices.index) != 0:
                        self.new_means[i, 0] = np.mean(self.sample_pts[0, indices.index])
                        # Re-initialise a mean if it is not associated with any data sample
                        self.new_means[i, 0] = np.random.randn(1, self.dimensions) * 100
            # print(f'New means are:{self.new_means}')

            # Plot the movement of the means
            if self.dimensions == 1:
                for i in range(0, self.clusters):
          [self.previous_means[i, 0], self.new_means[i, 0]],
                                 [0, 0], label='mean movement' if iteration_count == 1 else "", c=self.colors[i])
          [i, 0], 0, marker='o', c='g', label='new Means' if i == 0 and iteration_count == 1 else "")
            elif self.dimensions == 2:
                for i in range(0, self.clusters):
          [self.previous_means[i, 0], self.new_means[i, 0]],
                                 [self.previous_means[i, 1], self.new_means[i, 1]],
                                 label='mean movement' if iteration_count == 1 else "", c=self.colors[i])
          [i, 0], self.new_means[i, 1], marker='o', c='g',
                                label='new Means' if i == 0 and iteration_count == 1 else "")
            elif self.dimensions == 3:
                for i in range(0, self.clusters):
          [self.previous_means[i, 0], self.new_means[i, 0]],
                                 [self.previous_means[i, 1], self.new_means[i, 1]],
                                 [self.previous_means[i, 2], self.new_means[i, 2]],
                                 label='mean movement' if iteration_count == 1 else "", c=self.colors[i])
          [i, 0], self.new_means[i, 1], self.new_means[i, 2], marker='o', c='g',
                                   label='new Means' if i == 0 and iteration_count == 1 else "")
  'upper right')
            # iteration_count += 1
            # self.fig.canvas.draw()
            # Plot the clustering results upon convergence
            if (abs(self.previous_means - self.new_means) < self.tolerance).all():
                cluster_pts = []
                division = self.sample_size // self.clusters

                if self.dimensions == 1:
                    for i in range(0, self.clusters):
                        indices = dist.assign_to_mean[dist.assign_to_mean == str(i + 1)]
              [0, indices.index], np.zeros((1, cluster_pts[i])), marker='*',
                                    label=f'predicted cluster {i + 1}')
              [0, i * division:(i + 1) * division - 1], np.zeros((1, division - 1)),
                                    marker='o', facecolors='none', edgecolors=self.colors[i], s=200, linewidths=2,
                                    label=f'real cluster {i + 1}')
                elif self.dimensions == 2:
                    for i in range(0, self.clusters):
                        indices = dist.assign_to_mean[dist.assign_to_mean == str(i + 1)]
              [0, indices.index], self.sample_pts[1, indices.index], marker='*',
                                    label=f'predicted cluster {i + 1}')
              [0, i * division:(i + 1) * division - 1],
                                    self.sample_pts[1, i * division:(i + 1) * division - 1],
                                    marker='o', facecolors='none', edgecolors=self.colors[i], s=200, linewidths=2,
                                    label=f'real cluster {i + 1}')
                elif self.dimensions == 3:
                    for i in range(0, self.clusters):
                        indices = dist.assign_to_mean[dist.assign_to_mean == str(i + 1)]
              [0, indices.index], self.sample_pts[1, indices.index], self.sample_pts[2, indices.index],
                                   label=f'predicted cluster {i + 1}')
              [0, i * division:(i + 1) * division - 1],
                                   self.sample_pts[1, i * division:(i + 1) * division - 1],
                                   self.sample_pts[2, i * division:(i + 1) * division - 1],
                                   marker='o', label=f'real cluster {i + 1}', s=40)
                        # facecolors='none', edgecolors=self.colors[i], s=200, linewidths=2)

                # set title with the clustering results and show legend
                if self.dimensions < 3:
          'Number of points in each cluster are: ' + str(cluster_pts))
          'upper right')
          , 0.95, 'Number of points in each cluster are: ' + str(cluster_pts),
          'upper right')

Animation parameters

fps = 0.5

Writer = animation.writers['ffmpeg']
writer = Writer(fps=fps, metadata=dict(artist='Sai'), bitrate=1800)

1D example of K-Means in action

max_iterations = 5

kmeans1d = kmeans(dimensions=1, sample_size=100, clusters=2, tolerance=1e-8, max_iters=max_iterations)
animation.FuncAnimation(kmeans1d.fig, kmeans1d.kmeans_iter, init_func=kmeans1d.kmeans_init ,frames=max_iterations, interval=(1/fps)*1000, repeat=False).save('../images/kmeans/kmeans_1D.mp4', writer=writer);

In the video/animation below initially the data points in 1D space belonging to two clusters along with the initial random generated means are shown. After which the movement of means is shown and once the mean values are converged the results are shown. Since the data is being manually generated here, there is a possibility of verify how accurate the results are. As a last step for the verification, the predicted/identified clusters along with the supposed real clusters details are shown.

In this particular case the K-Means algorithm clusters accurately with 50 1D data samples of each of the two clusters.

Video("../images/kmeans/kmeans_1D.mp4", embed=True)

2D example of K-Means in action

max_iterations = 15

kmeansnn2d = kmeans(dimensions=2, sample_size=600, clusters=4, tolerance=1e-8, max_iters=max_iterations)
animation.FuncAnimation(kmeans2d.fig, kmeans2d.kmeans_iter, init_func=kmeans2d.kmeans_init ,frames=max_iterations, interval=(1/fps)*1000, repeat=False).save('../images/kmeans/kmeans_2D.mp4', writer=writer);

Like in previous case, here instead of 1D data samples 2D data samples are being used to cluster with the objective of identifying 4 clusters in the data. The movement of one of the Mean value if haphazard/chaotic because when a Mean cannot associate with any of the data sample, the position of the Mean is again randomly initialised, this randomness ensures that exactly 4 clusters will be found even if the starting position of the Mean values are not ideal.

In this case we also get to see that the clustering is not 100% accurate, as the final clustering results result in 150, 150, 152 and 148 data samples being associated to each cluster which ideally should have been a even 150 value for all the 4 clusters.

Video("../images/kmeans/kmeans_2D.mp4", embed=True)

3D example of K-Means in action

max_iterations = 8

kmeans3d = kmeans(dimensions=3, sample_size=300, clusters=3, tolerance=1e-8, max_iters=max_iterations)
animation.FuncAnimation(kmeans3d.fig, kmeans3d.kmeans_iter, init_func=kmeans3d.kmeans_init ,frames=max_iterations, interval=(1/fps)*1000, repeat=False).save('../images/kmeans/kmeans_3D.mp4', writer=writer);

Like in previous cases, here instead of 1D or 2D data samples 3D data samples are being used to cluster with the objective of identifying 3 clusters in the data.

Video("../images/kmeans/kmeans_3D.mp4", embed=True)


In this post/jupyter notebook the distance measure used is the "cartesian distance", but other distance measures like "cosine" distance can also be used. In this post/jupyter notebook the data used is also randomly generated numerical data, but when data is textual the implementation details vary.